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Featuring Fall Out Boy drummer Andy Hurley, Racetraitor announce new album Creation And The Timeless Order Of Things.
Racetraitor have announced details of their forthcoming new album, Creation And The Timeless Order Of Things, due for release on November 17 via Good Fight.
The Chicago-based hardcore outfit – featuring Fall Out Boy drummer Andy Hurley – originally began work on the record with a view to releasing in 2020. Delayed by the pandemic, they say they've used the time to reflect on what they wanted to do creatively and with their message, and the finished record features contributions from Dennis Lyxzen (Refused), Tim Kinsella (Joan of Arc, Cap'n Jazz), Stan Liszewaki (Terminal Nation), Sanket Lama (Chepang) and Ethan Lee McCarthy (Primitive Man).
Alongside the announcement, the band have also released the first cut from the album, Eid, a track that takes in, in part, the family stories of singer Mani Mostofi and guitarist Dan Binaei following the country's revolution in 1979. Mixing traditional music with the band's heavier elements, it also features guest vocals from British-Iranian singer Patrick Hassan (xRepentancex). Much of the video, meanwhile, was shot on the street in Iran, an act with potentially serious consequences.
"In the past people seemed more interested in our story as a band than the themes we sing about," explains Mani. "So I tried to create an album that bridges that – what have we seen and experienced that makes us the people and band we are. Places that our families are from, places that we have lived or worked.
"Through these geographies we address all sorts of socio-political issues from exploitation of migrant workers to domestic violence to indigenous rights. The end result is a much more personal record.”
See the full Creation And The Timeless Order Of Things tracklist:
1. Eid (ft. Fared Shafinury and Patrick Hassan)
2. Chamelecón (ft. Hera)
3. Cave of the Patriarchs
4. Godspeed
5. Land Acknowledgment
6. Pastoral Monolith (ft. Dennis Lyxzén)
7. Black Creek / Red River (ft. Tim Kinsella)
8. Santa Apolonia (ft. Ruben L. Garza Jr)
9. Sarcophagus
10. Subordinate Terror (ft. Stan Liszewski)
11. Cape Rerenga (ft. Carrie Gerardi)
12. Sword (ft. Sanket Lama)
13. Pangaea Proxima