Read this: Did John Lennon invent the metal horns?
"On the first couple of Heaven And Hell tour shows, Ronnie was saying, 'When I'm going onstage, everybody is doing the peace sign to me, and that's an Ozzy thing,'" he continues. "'I feel like I should be doing something back to them.' He says, 'What's that sign that you do in Black Sabbath?' And I showed him the devil horns sign. And he started doing it from there and made it famous."
When asked why he'd never spoken about this before, Geezer says, "I didn't really think much of it. As I say, I've got pictures of me doing it in 1971. And it was just an alternative to Ozzy's peace signs, I was doing it. And if you look at the Yellow Submarine album cover John Lennon's cartoon character is doing it, in 1966 or whatever it was. So it's an old sign. I was just doing it ’cause [English occultist] Aleister Crowley used to do it."
Of course, KISS' Gene Simmons once famously tried to trademark the devil horns, reportedly stating that he had first used the gesture in November 1974.
"To try to make money off of something like this is disgusting," said Dio's widow Wendy at the time. "It belongs to everyone; it doesn’t belong to anyone it’s a public domain; it shouldn’t be trademarked. It’s laughable. I think he’s made a complete fool of himself."