Mastodon part ways with guitarist/vocalist Brent Hinds after 25 years
Mastodon and guitarist/vocalist Brent Hinds have “mutually decided to part ways”, according to a statement from the band.
Troy Sanders – or Chef Troyardee – is the first star of Cooking With Mastodon… and he's got a real treat for us.
To celebrate the release of their excellent new B-sides album, Medium Rarities, Mastodon have launched the first of a new 'Cooking With…' video series.
In episode one, Troy Sanders – or, should we say, Chef Troyardee – reveals the making of his homemade pizza, which he claims to be "marginally famous" for. The key ingredient is seemingly the crust, which is a "fresh, straight out of the package" vinyl. Crispy…
If you like the sound of Troy's signature pizza, it also includes mozzarella from a goat that he milked that morning, "imported Norwegian horse meat", and plenty of other questionable ingredients. Yeah… we're probably gonna have to politely pass on this one.
See how he throws the whole thing together below: