Since finishing your solo album, has your creativity and desire to keep making music – especially after having such a good time with CMFT – continued? You already said you had enough material for more albums – have you started getting any of that in shape?
“Yeah, and I’m also doing a really cool secret project that I can’t talk about yet that we were asked to do, which is gonna be rad. We’re still hammering things out and getting ready for CMFT2, and the songs that I’ve got together for this are really, really good – people are gonna shit when they hear it!”
How important to you is it that you’ve already had this massive career, and yet over two decades in you can still surprise people and do these completely new things like CMFT?
“It has to be important, you know? If you get to the point when you’re just a one-note-wonder, then you’re just playing the same song over and over. I’ve seen it a million times with countless other artists where they get comfortable with a formula, and they know that it can make money, so they just churn it out – album after album after album. It just becomes Casual Friday, and I’m not into that; I’ve never been into that. For me, the whole excitement about making music is the challenge of trying new things, and also making them catchy, fun, awesome, that make people talk, that make people wanna sing, that make people wanna lose their minds. That’s the whole goal of making music, and if you’re not in it to do that, then you shouldn’t be in it. Maybe that’s one of the things that sets me apart from other people: my reasons for making music have never changed, and for a lot of people their reasons have changed over the years.”
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself this year?
“That I can lose and gain weight really quickly (laughs). I was able to get on a pretty good regime again and got myself into fighting shape, and then the holidays hit and the candy came out – it just became ridiculous! I am now in a battle with five pounds that I just cannot get rid of, and it’s really bumming me out. But these are shitty problems that nobody really needs to listen to (laughs).
“I also really learned that old adage: you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. This year has really re-inspired me to dedicate myself to what I love. You never realise how much you need to play live until you can’t do it anymore. You don’t realise how much love, excitement and satisfaction you get out of making music until you’re in a situation where you can’t really make music and play it for other people anymore. If I take one good thing away from this whole terrible situation, it’s that it has re-inspired me to get back to basics, as it were, as far as making and performing music – and never taking it for granted.”