With everything you guys include in Shadowland’s music, is there anything you specifically try to avoid?
Jeff Filmer, guitars: Certain cliches. Not just having every song be about Satan and metal -- not that those aren’t two of my favorite things! But I’ve never really wanted to be one of those retro bands. This is all who we are and what we listen to. It’s less about sounding like an old-school metal band and more about sounding like a metal band.
You both wear many hats in your lives -- what’s the creative breakdown of writing for Shadowland?
JF I basically sit in my room and write songs with fake drums and overdubbed guitar tracks. [The rest of the band] will then be like, ‘This one kin of works, but these other three riff salad shreddathons are for something else.’ The last two we wrote, I tried to tone down a little bit -- I’m also very influenced by hair metal, and that stuff’s all about chorus chorus chorus. The only thing that matters is putting good music out into the world -- everything else that comes with it is just cool. That’s my role in the band -- songwriter...and lead douchebag.
TF: Jeff and I were the latest additions -- [the other members’ previous band] had lost some members, and decided they weren’t that band anymore, but we kept playing together. I had seen Chain, the previous band, and I told them that I thought their riffs were really cool and suggested that if they looking for a singer I’d be down...And for the art, I kind of just strongarmed it.
JF: Everyone’s just doing what they’re good at, and Tanya does the art because she’s good at it. You’re the smart one, I just churn out riffs.
Jeff, as the sound guy at Saint Vitus, do you find yourself seeing bands at work and thinking, ‘That’s cool, Shadowland should try that out’?
JF: All the time. There’s so many bands that I draw inspiration from in a more aesthetic manner -- like, this person did something that looks really cool onstage, or this person has their gear set up in a way that works or sounds really good. Even merch -- what are you selling, how are you selling it? It’s almost always something aesthetic if not musical.
Tanya Finder, vocals: One time you showed me this band, being like, ‘Their singer’s standing on an actual pedestal…’ and I was like, ‘Yeah we’re not doing that.
JF: She had a milk crate in front of her monitor! It was sick! But we’re a little more subdued. We’re a classy ‘80s metal band!
TF: I’m having a cape made currently!