The new Melted Bodies video for Ad People thrives on what are seemingly the band’s two primary goals: to enthrall and confuse. The video starts with a blast of subconscious imagery and whirlwind blastbeats...and then the commercials start up. As they watch, and as they edge your mouse toward the Skip Ads logo they don’t want to admit they recognize, the viewer feels as though their god has aimed a spotlight at them, and it gives them both delight and shame. In this respect, the band have distilled the power of the Internet, offering fans that same level of reflective ego and self-loathing provided every day by their screens.
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“These are all ideas and themes that we can leverage and take advantage of in the new media democracy,” says the band in their bio. “We are here to target influencer content and engage media partners through collective storytelling and game-changing ideas. Autonomous social media helps drive peer to peer authentic engagements that can be tracked and measured to create augmented experiences which can then be leveraged to connect human truths. Our aim is to pander to the needs and wants of these global progressive influencers and pander we will.”
Watch our exclusive premiere of Ad People below and feel seen: