It’s a rare trick, writing songs which feel instantly familiar while still possessing their own distinctive character. Giant Walker, a quartet of Geordies who congregated in Guildford as music students, have that knack, as demonstrated on a second album big on earworms, emotion and technical excellence.
The latter manifests on Silhouettes not as head-spinning djent or self-indulgent soloing, but rather as a form of heavy prog that’s also tuned into the alt.metal of the ’90s. The title-track nimbly shows their skills, moving between enticing balladry and a compelling chorus before throwing down a jagged, twisty riff, ultimately ending on some lovely bluesy licks. Essentially, Giant Walker wear their chops lightly, never letting their evidently high levels of musicianship get in the way of a good tune. This impression is further enhanced by Steff Fish’s soulful vocals, lending an extra sense of class to an already impressive collection of songs.