This fun building is The House Of The Book, part of the Brandeis-Bardin Institute. It’s a summer school, but because it’s a rad building, it’s also cropped up in Star Trek as a Borg headquarters and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as the Command Center. Plus, it’s in flippin’ Tenacious D: The Pick Of Destiny.
A pun, there. 'We love in vain' is a little nod to one of Manson’s favourite subjects at the time, and the focus of a lot of Mechanical Animals: drugs. Another track on Mechanical Animals, The Great White World, was initially controversial as people thought it was racist. Manson had to point out that it wasn’t racist, it was about doing huge amounts of cocaine.
Fame being, as mentioned, another of Manson’s favourite subjects, this is a fairly explicit nod to the things people sometimes find themselves having to do to try to get ahead in Hollywood.