This video was directed by Paul Hunter, best known for his work with Michael Jackson and Pharrell Williams, as well as the multiple award-winning Lady Marmalade video with Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Pink and Mya. Deftones weren’t thrilled to be working with him, with keyboardist Frank Delgado saying: “They engaged this pop director, who worked with Britney Spears before. It really went off shitty, due to that. High-school, glamour, all this shit.”
One of the extras from this sequence wrote on YouTube: “I was actually there. I'm in the video. It was such a surreal experience. A whole bunch of Deftones fans mixed in with some extras. And during a break while filming in the gym they played Change (In The House Of Flies). It was such an honour to be there. The band was totally cool with everyone. I was talking to Abe most of the time – he is so down to earth. Awesome time. Thank you Deftones!”
Wahey, well done everyone – despite your best intentions, you made a hit single. Just time for a bit of surprisingly flat singing from the crowd of extras, and we’ll call it a day.