3) Magic Circle aren’t on social media. What gives?
CC: Social media requires a lot of upkeep, I feel. I’m not sure what it really would do for a band like us beyond advertise shows, but I feel most shows are promoted by the people booking them, anyway. I honestly am not sure what an Instagram page would really achieve for us, though -- except as maybe a hook for a web store. Maybe if we toured six months a year it would be more necessary.
4) What hobby outside of music are you most passionate about?
CC: The boring answer is I buy records. Or accumulate records. It’s an unwieldy hobby. I like reading books on Fortean topics. I love [late UFOlogist] John Keel. I hover between those two.
BR: I like fishing.
5) How has living in Boston -- or Massachusetts generally -- informed Magic Circle’s music?
CC: Some of us no longer live in Boston, but not a whole lot, really. We all like Aerosmith, of course.
BR: In regards to Magic Circle's music, I personally wouldn't say that the city of Boston informed much of anything. Although, Massachusetts may have in that it can be very cold, austere, bleak and beautiful -- all in the same breath.
Magic Circle's Departed Souls drops Friday, March 29th, on 20 Buck Spin, and is already available for preorder.