Of all of 2000trees’ headliners, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes’ closing set feels like the biggest capital-M moment. Of course, the bursts of pyro and clouds of confetti help, but regardless, so much of this show feels gigantic. They sound even fiercer than on record – Angel Wings hulks and broods in a whole new way, while a razor-sharp rendition of Juggernaut thrown in at the last minute creates due pandemonium with fans circle-pitting around the sound desk. What’s most significant, however, is its sense of warmth. Frank admits the traditional Wild Flowers female and non-binary only mosh-pit is his favourite part of the show because he’s “never seen a mosh-pit where everyone looks so happy”, and attempts to turn the field “into a fucking ballroom” for Love Games by encouraging fans to slow dance with each other. Somehow, he even makes a song like I Hate You, yelled back at him from fans on each other’s shoulders, vaguely sentimental, but it ends up being a glorious note to end an equally glorious weekend is on. This is how you headline a festival. (EW)