Chosen by Neck Deep's Ben Barlow...
“This is on Spotify, but I’ve never, ever seen it pop up in recommendations or anything. They were set to be massive in the ‘90s, but it just never took off. This record is fucking sick from start to finish, though. It’s this kind of experimental opera-rock, but also very alt.rock and punky as well. They blended sounds from the ‘70s and ‘90s well – big, showy flamboyance with cool, big ‘90s guitar breaks. There’s a few very, very weird songs on there, and weird vocal bits that sound like fucking Oliver Twist at points, but it all works!
“I discovered the band through our producer Matt Squire a couple of years ago. When I mentioned them to my older brother who was a child of the ‘90s, he was like, ‘Oh, fucking hell – I forgot about them! They were hot for about a minute.’
“My favourite track is probably The Glutton Of Sympathy, but Sebrina, Paste And Plato is super weird, with lines like, ‘Lunch is on the table,’ and this kid’s voice going ‘Kool-Aid, sandwiches and chips for all shoulders.’ That’s the Oliver Twist bit! And then after that, the chorus is really melodic and catchy following this mad verse. The album intro is basically a massive Queen rip-off as well. There’s crazy layers of harmony and vocal swooshes and stuff, then there’s this huge riff out of nowhere. It all works, but you can see why they didn’t do too well! In Neck Deep we’ve listened to this record a lot in the run up to All Distortions Are Intentional, along with a lot of other risky records, but we just couldn’t go this far! Coming out swinging with all these crazy, Queen-inspired parts might freak people out!”