
Linkin Park Are Teasing A Hybrid Theory-Related "Secret Project"

Linkin Park are up to something, giving their website a nostalgic Hybrid Theory makeover…

Linkin Park Are Teasing A Hybrid Theory-Related "Secret Project"

After Mike Shinoda recently promised fans "something special" for the upcoming 20th anniversary of Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory, it looks like plans are already in motion – kicking off with an awesome, nostalgic website redesign. will now undoubtedly give fans of a certain age flashbacks to what the internet looked like 20 years ago, with old-school fonts, logos and – of course – a nice big Hybrid Theory background.

Out of all the clickable icons in this redesign, 'MailNet Client' seemingly provides the most intel so far regarding what the band are up to, with various messages exchanged between the members of Linkin Park.

Read this: The inside story of Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory

Writing to with the subject line 'Secret Project', Mike says: "Hey guys, I'm starting to go through old gear to see what I can dig up for the secret project we spoke about. Hoping I can find some good stuff in there. Still working on getting the old band computer figured out also. I'm copying the email on the computer so whoever is in there helping can stay up to date. More soon."

In a follow-up message, drummer Rob Bourdon responds: "Great. My mom has boxes of stuff as well. I'm going to start sorting through that."

Joe Hahn has also started a separate chain to praise the themes on this new-look (or should that be 'old'-look?) site: "It's cool seeing some of the versions of the album cover we considered," he writes. "Haven't seen those in years."

This absolutely rules. Head on over to to have a play around with everything – and keep your eyes glued to it, because presumably it will be updated as the anniversary of Hybrid Theory edges closer…

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