The way to stay match-fit on the road is...
“Working out. We’ve been playing three-hour shows, so I'm fucking fit as fuck because of that! But even if I'm hungover from drinking, I'll go to the gym and fucking grind. On tour, you can't drink every day. You just can't. And before tour, you’ve gotta fucking train – play it hard in rehearsal like you’re playing to fucking 10,000 people. Rob Zombie heats up his room to 100 degrees and then runs on the treadmill – that's how he gets in shape for the shows.”
The place with the worst toilets is…
“Germany. I love Germany, but I hate that little shit-shelf. It's in the toilet that's got a little bit of water at the bottom of it. Dude, you don't know how much water covers up the stink of your shit. Oh my God, it's bad. And their toilet paper is brutal. It's brown and it's super scratchy. And then France has just got that hole that you have to squat over. I swear to fucking God, every time I'm squatting over the fucking little shit-hole my fucking hip gets a cramp.”
The best service station on Earth is…
“Pretty much anywhere, if you’re hammered. They're all good. I mean, if you're hammered and they got food, you're like, ‘Yes!’ Actually, Scandinavia probably has the highest quality places, where you eat a chicken sandwich and the chicken's really fresh even if it's 2am. Scandinavia, man, those motherfuckers have got some high-end fucking truck stops.”