Equally, there is the sense of timelessness that comes with the very best of black metal. Hanging rotten flesh off its skeletal composition, heads-down highlight Fucking Worthless could’ve been conceived back when Euronymous and Dead were still wide-eyed youths. The faintly folky acoustic guitars and monastic chants of Chapel Of Filth and For Thine Is The Kingdom add heretical dynamism and room to breathe without losing the wretched thread. By the time we spiral into epic, almost nine-minute closer Burning Angel Wings you can practically smell the sulphur and feel the heat.
Unrelenting in their attack and defiant in their unbending adherence to tradition, it feels unlikely that Heathen Deity spend long looking to the future, but if they keep churning out sounds like this there’ll soon be little choice but to celebrate them as part of the British black metal vanguard. Hail.
Verdict: 4/5
For fans of: Gorgoroth, Dark Funeral, Blood Countess
Satan’s Kingdom is out now via Cult Never Dies