Demagoguery sandwiches some classic panto-villain rasping from Dani between slabs of 100mph chaos. Waltzing highlight Non Omnis Moriar (‘Not All Of Me Will Die’) weaves folky threads into an agelessly blackened tapestry. Then the excellent White Hellebore ups both the aggro and the sinister/sexy lyricism – ‘Who could ever have known the score? / The bitter neath the sweet / The bittersweet necrosis / The deep erotic wounds she bore’ – before Magnificent Perfection cranks the melodrama gleefully over the top.
Piledriving into late banger Ex Sanguine Draculae, the onslaught of buzzsaw riffs, classic metal gallop and billowing shred is truly impressive. As they roll on into more histrionic closer When Misery Was A Stranger, though, it’s impossible not to be reminded of why Cradle have always been such an acquired taste: the maximalist combination of extremist bombast, offbeat atmosphere and operatic shrieking simply too much for many listeners. For those accustomed to Cradle’s faintly silly brand of blood and cheese, mind, this’ll go down a treat.
Verdict: 3/5
For fans of: Dimmu Borgir, Arch Enemy, Children Of Bodom
The Screaming Of The Valkyries is out now via Napalm