We’re straight in with a roaring engine and a quote from Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), compiler of the first ever dictionary and general clever-clogs. The quote comes up in a collection of miscellaneous anecdotes (he was a pretty big deal), in which he is chatting with a blind friend about some drunkenness she witnessed the night before.
“I wonder what pleasure men take in making beasts of themselves!” she said. Samuel's reply was: “I wonder, Madam, that you have not penetration enough to see the strong inducement to this excess; for he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.” Other than it not exactly being a thigh-slapper, we know we’re about to hear a song about, er, getting fucked up. Avenged Sevenfold didn’t stumble across the line while researching their favourite lexicographer’s life, however – it is used as a preface to Hunter S. Thompsn’s Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, both the book and movie of which are referenced extensively throughout this song and video (including the title).
M. Shadows there, aka Matt Sanders. The frontman co-founded the band in 1999 with guitarist Zacky Vengeance and drummer The Rev (more about both later) and another Matt: bassist Matt Wendt. Prior to starting A7X, he was in a punk band, Successful Failure.
It’s got a big ol’ sky, America, hasn’t it?