How certain genres of music start can be a mystery. Usually, a body of bands at a specific time begin experimenting with certain similar sounds or themes, and they either influence one another and tour together (metalcore), or the media lumps them together into a single movement (grunge). Once the genre is established, fans then spend years arguing about who really started it, or which band epitomised that scene.
But every so often, a band with either clarity of vision or a unique take on a classic sound can launch a genre all by themselves. Something about their aesthetic or sonic profile makes thousands of fans turn their heads and say, 'Oh, cool – I want to do that.' Sometimes, these bands are filling a void, bringing together influences from other genres in ways that no-one had stumbled upon before. But many of them are hardworking acts whose specific approach went shunned or unfairly unnoticed early on in their careers, until one day everyone began to wonder how a band like that one inspired so many others.
Here are 11 bands who single-handedly launched genres of rock…